Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Discussions on Life, Love, and Europe

Sunday was kind of a big deal in Canada, being the nation's birthday and all. On the night of July 1st, the sky has this wonderful tendency of filling up with fireworks. I don't like fireworks. I wish I did but I don't. They're just totally boring and overrated to me. Alas, I managed to not attend a fireworks show and ended my long weekend at Lyndsay's new apartment in Guelph. I had a lot of fun and, not to sound emo or anything but I needed this weekend, it convinced me not all my friends are hating on me right now. I got to see Anjali for a few hours at dinner before she started her 8-hour journey back home. I was also able to properly meet Jeff, Lyndsay's boyfriend. She began dating him when I had just moved to Paris so I haven't really had the chance to give him the third-degree...yet. By far, my favourite part of the weekend was our discussions on life, love, and Europe. It used to be a daily break for us to meet with Shilpa and Caitlyn in the café of building to have these talks and eat tons. It had been so long since we've had one of our lovely late-night talks. I love them so much because they can tie in almost every part of day-to-day dramas. Lyndsay can pose the most peculiar questions and I pride myself in responding in the most shocking way. That night, Dawson Leery and Joey Potter were channeled and nostalgia flowed like a river.

Here are a few photos:

Lyndsay likes to bake. I like her new kitchen. Banana bread anyone?

Anjali has this habit of panicking. This is her running to catch her coach.

Anjali wasn't late so we ate to celebrate.

Lyndsay misses me on a daily basis. It's quite sad...

Some things are die hard, such as our enjoyment for insanity. We call it "Hideous".

Lyndsay loves me. And I love this photo. Smile!

1 comment:

. said...

You are so... god. I want to meet you in person for once.