Friday, November 24, 2006

i’m going to tell you a secret…

have you heard that song "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter? it's called "Bay Day" because it's about a bad day. imagine that. i hate that song. really. not just because of the annoying falsetto Daniel whines the song out with but because i think i'm living the lyrics right now. i'm sick and struggling to get through songs that i usually find to be rather easy. blah.

i've been meaning to write an entry and i suppose there is no better time than this. this semester has been no more than an endless stream of hard work. i don't think i can remember what it feels like not to be rushing off to do something or another. the life of a typical university student i suppose. nevertheless, i was beginning to think i wasn't finding time to develop myself as a person anymore. last year, the radical changes seemed to be unavoidably noticeable. yet this time around i don't feel like i've done anything but procrastinate and then work like mad.

i was wrong to think such things though. after Ankita's dinner, i realized how much i have actually grown. i feel mature. i'm really not too sure how it happened to be quite honest. but like most great things, it just snuck up on me.

the semester is almost over. i've been patiently waiting for this for the past four months. it's almost here and yet now i'm thinking "Hm, if I only had a little bit more time…" if i only had a little more time, i could finish my calculus quiz and master a course i loathe. if i only had a little more time, i could continue to mend failing friendships. if i only had a little more time, i could sleep in a bit more and avoid being called "haggard". if i only had a little more time, i could prolong this waiting game that i am loving so much - honestly, waiting has never been so beautiful. regardless, the semester is almost over and the time is almost here. i'm going to tell you a secret…

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