Monday, July 2, 2007

It's Ma'am as in Sam Not Mum as in Bum

These past few days have been rather royal. No, really. I mean royal. I finally watched The Queen starring Helen Mirren. Both my ma and I agreed the film was well done. It detailed the day-to-day happenings of the Queen just prior to and succeeding Princess Diana’s death. I, like many, dislike Queen Elizabeth II but the film made me view her from a different perspective. She holds her title as head of the sovereignty to the utmost importance along with all its duties. She is simply trying to do well in the tradition that prepared her.

Yesterday, I tuned in for parts of Concert for Diana, a musical celebration throw by Prince William and Harry in dedication to their late mother. Reporters were going completely mad for the princes, tossing compliments left, right, and center. Ugh! One man being interviewed went as far as to say the two young men are role models for all young people. Okay... Now, that is just ridiculous. I’m not quite sure if I, as a young person, would like to look to Prince Harry as a role model. I know he’s a prince but does that disregard the fact that he’s a perverted ass-grabber who wears swastika armband and was checked into rehab at age 17? I suppose so. But hell, if I'm going to have a role model like that I'd much rather look to another fire crotch - Lindsay Lohan.

Although Prince William has done nothing wrong, I don’t want him to be king. I have nothing against him but, as people have said time and time again, the monarchy must go. When it comes down to it, however, only one in five vote to boot out the royals. It seems to me that British people do not want to let go of the romance and fairytale lifestyle a monarchy brings. But think about this: who is living the fairytale lifestyle? Not the people, rather a select few who have done nothing but be born. There is a difference between a child lucking out and being part of a wealthy family. You see, somewhere down the line someone in the family had to earn that money. She/he worked hard, played smart, or stole. Speaking of stealing, the British monarch "earns" £88 million from taxpayers a year without really earning a single cent of that figure. In the modern world, the monarch hinders instead of helps society flourish. Britain must make the move towards becoming a republic for the sake of its people.

Click the URL below to view other supporting arguments of Republicanism in the United Kingdom as well as some opposing arguments: