Dear Diary,
HA! I'm just kidding. Anyway, lol, it's been a while. Or a couple days. Which seems like quite a bit of time because a lot has happened.
Yesterday we went to Muséem National D'Historie Naturelle to see La Grande Galerie De L'Evolution. It was pretty cool actually. The building itself is quite astonishing. The outside looks like an old European school with a massive garden. But from the inside, the place is very modern looking. The ceilings are so high. I didn't see any mongooses though. Pft…

Classes have began. My classes with Dominique are interesting but not because of him lol. Frankly, he's quite confusing and slightly boring. (Though I am a tough nut to crack.) In any case, his first lecture was basically suppose to sum up the economic history of French agriculture. Naturally, he decided to start with PRE-HISTORIC MAN. Ugh. Our classroom isn't really a classroom. It's the banquet hall off the side of the lobby. It's weird to have class downstairs from where you live. For film, Alice Carven is my prof. She's lived here for 15 years but lived in NYC and North Carolina prior. She's so nice! Her husband (who I thought was gay haha) also teached at AUP. He's stylish and smart and seems like he'll teach us a lot about the city. We had a wine-and-cheese after the lecture yesterday to get to know the professors and each other. Free wine. I don't really like French cheeses to be honest. The smell is so strong that I want to vomit. Pérdon. But it's the coldhearted truth.

[a note for my ego: i was crouching and leaning against the wall. i am the tallest in the photo... except ken behind the bookshelf. hmph.]
After dinner last night we all went out. I didn't really feel like going and assumed the night would be totally NOT fun in comparison to a Toronto club. (Oh, btw: I must have my birthday party this year in NYC. Seriously. Yeah, def. Plan ahead. Save up, do what you must. I want it to actually happen. NYC. For October 9th. Okay?) We predrank in Maggie's and Ali's room. Turns out the French friend I made in the kitchen speaks English and is actually from Vancouver. His name is Mike. Ken, the Alberta-native from my hallway, joined the Guelph group too. We took the RER and planned to go to the Erasmus party at Club Mix but at the last minute Mike convinced us to go the one at Planet Hollywood on the Champs D'Elysee. On La Metro our group was intoxicated and so we became the rowdy group. We did meet a Chippendale though. He seemed very angry at first by our outright Anglophone-ness. But it turns out, as he would later explain as we changed trains, that he simply wanted to speak to us. He looked like the model Tyson but he was slightly shorter than me. It's ridiculous. I was jealous. Ugh. Anyway, lol, I got to see L'Arc de Triomphe ! It's my favourite tourist attraction in Paris. It's just so posh and upscale there. So that was rad and stuff lol. Mike couldn't get us in straight away with his connection because we were a group of 20 but the line up was short. When you go inside you can put on a tag that says your native country's name. Clearly, I chose Jamaïque lmao. (Don't worry, Kendra, I represented !) The people at the desk were like "Um, peut-être l'Espagne?" "NON, Jamaïque, Jamaïque!!" haha. The line up for coat check was like 30 minutes. Some randoms tried pushing their way to the front but Maggie called security on their asses. Mike was telling us about a fight the broke out last week when he was in the line and another on Halloween where he knocked this guy out in front of L'Arc de Triomphe dressed up as Fred Flintstone lolol. So funny!! I got Screwdrivers. Apparently, in Paris they do not use shot glasses to measure the amount of alcohol to add and if they like you, you get a bit more. The bitchy bartender liked me thankfully. (: I got to talk to a bunch of people from my group that I haven't really seen or got an opportunity to speak to yet. Usually there's only 5 of us who go out – David, Katrina, Abby, Ceilidh (pronounced Kaylee), and moi of course! Afterward, I decided to find the others on the dancefloor. We danced for hours and I LOVED it! This girl from Spain came to talk to me for a while. Unfortunately, I was unable to convince her that I'm actually not from Jamaïque but that I am actually Spanish. She went back to dance with her group. Shitty. But we did manage to meet a group from Ireland, including LOL Irish Dan. Quite a hilarious chap, I must say. In Parisian clubs, it looks like guys usually dance on the platforms and try to show off their moves. I was walking past a platform and Mike pulled me up. Man, dancing on elevated surfaces is SO much fun! Trouble broke out though and I didn't even notice. When the spotlight turned onto me, I was blinded and at that same time a drunkard started throwing himself on Jess and squeezing her boob but Mike and Irish Dan started fighting him back. At the same time as THAT was happening, a group of 6 dudes started grabbing Cintia. Where was I? Dancing my ass off to Bob Marley. I had no idea what was happening but everything worked out cool. (Note to self: I owe Mike 5 € for the cab ride home.) When I got back, I took a hot hot shower and then heard knocking on the door. It was David and he lost his key. (Be borrowed my key cause he wanted to do something after he got back. How mysterious. Not to worry because he ended up finding his key. But then I lost my key when he returned it to me. But then I found it. So, all in all, fear not.) He was so drunk! He could speak and at the club, he ended up grinding… well, "grinding"… on two of the girls from our group. It was more of a drunken pelvis collision, followed by swaying offbeat. Katie's eyes kept rolling back when their bodies touched. I think that was the icing on the cake.
Today, I slept in till 3h30. Waw. We went to Le Louvre from 6 to 10 pm though so the day was not wasted. It's… GIANTIC. I heard it was big but it's b-i-g. We got through half of one floor and that's supposedly an accomplishment as most people only get through a quarter of a floor. The group I went with saw the Italian paintings, the Spanish paintings, and the French paintings in the Denon gallery. T'was mighty snazzy. I think I like the Italian painting the best. When I was looking at the subtle details in the Italian works, they were amazing. The French paintings were much larger and focused on war scenes. Oh, I saw the Mona Lisa and La Venus De Milo. The Mona Lisa was much smaller than the other paintings in the gallery but I thought it was beautiful nonetheless. I don't think it's overrated like everyone says either. I loved it. I want to go back and check out some of the African and Islamic artwork too. Anyway, bonne nuit/goodnight!

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